Nov 02, 2013 new:, avialable, worthless, and amazing: now u can download cydia with no jailbreak and no openappmkt just watch. Download iFile from OpenAppMkt without jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 4. Done ifile cydia without jailbreak new features ifile: iFile lets you handle software files and multimedia in flexible ways. Hence, there is no jailbreak needed to run OpenAppMkt or any cracked apps. On the other hand, OpenAppMkt hosts Cydia program too so you can use Cydia without jailbreak. It is a necessity to download OpenAppMkt now and try it out. This is the only way to know how great this Kung Fu is. Download OpenAppMkt.
Nov 02, 2013 new:, avialable, worthless, and amazing: now u can download cydia with no jailbreak and no openappmkt just watch. Download iFile from OpenAppMkt without jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 4. Done ifile cydia without jailbreak new features ifile: iFile lets you handle software files and multimedia in flexible ways. OpenAppMkt provides an easy way of installing Cydia, Taig jailbreak, and games such as Flappy Bird Escape for free. This online store provides a variety of apps for both users who have jailbroken their devices and those that haven’t. Nov 02, 2013 So as you can see it is just three simple steps in order to install ifile without cydia or a jailbreak. Hope this help, Enjoy!!! IFile alternatives without jailbreaking. If the above process does not work for you there are a few alternatives on the app store that can work very similar to iFile.
The shutting down of Installous community and Hackulous was probably one of the biggest blows to the jailbreak community. Millions of people across the world using installous, including even those who couldn’t pay for premium applications. Nevertheless, the iOS Cydia community has come up with a number of alternatives to it. AppCake is one such from the list.
AppCake itself will not completely matches to the quality of Installous, but with additional features being introduced now and then to make it better. The store offers the community with a good number of paid applications to download. Any device (iPhone and iPad) running iOS 5.0.1 is supported; support for iOS 10 has also been provided recently.
Check Here Best Cydia Sources and Best jailbreak tweaks
The app offers a non-jailbreak variant too, however, that’s a paid service. For large jailbroken cydia app downloads, you also get the ability to do the same with the help of a torrent client. In addition, you can also use this application to download your own custom torrents as well!

If you are looking for any such source to download cracked apps for free, then go ahead with AppCake repo. Following is a comprehensive guide that you can follow to download the required repositories and AppCake repo onto your supported Apple device. Let’s get started.
How to install AppCake without Jailbreak
To install Cydia tweaks and AppCake repo on a non-jailbroken device, you will first need to install AppSync from a trusted source. Following it, we will install Appcake repo from Cydia. The steps have been included in the main guide for ease of following.
Also Read : iFunbox Download for iOS and iFile Download for iOS
- Make sure your Apple device is connected to the internet. Then, using any browser, open
- When the page has finished loading, tap on ‘Cydia’ or ‘Cydia for iOS 8’ (in accordance with the software version on your iPhone or iPad).
- On the next screen, tap on ‘Get it’. A popup stating instructions will appear, follow them to complete the Cydia installation.
- Launch Cydia and Tap on Manage>Sources> Edit. A popup window will open. Enter OR Tap on ‘Add’ button.
- Once the sources have finished syncing, search and install ‘AppSync Unified’.
- Again, launch Cydia and tap on Manage>Sources>Edit. In the popup window, enter and choose ‘Add’.
7. After the sync is complete, search for ‘AppCake’ and install it.
Check Emulators: Newgamepad, Emu4iOS, iOSEmus

8. If any popup follows, choose ‘Add Anyway’ to continue with the installation.
Optionally, you can reboot your device to ensure that everything is up and running without any issues. If you get any error, try reverting the changes and re-following the guide.
How to install AppCake with Jailbreak
In order to proceed with installation on a Jailbroken device, you will need to have Cydia and AppSync installed on the same. Try getting these configured before you follow the below-mentioned steps. There are several guides available on the internet which you can follow to get Cydia and AppSync.
Also Read: Download vShare for iOS, GBA4iOS Emulator, Kodi Download
- Launch ‘Cydia’.
- Go to the ‘Manage’ page. From there, tap on ‘Sources’ option.
- From the next page, choose ‘Edit’ option. A popup window will open.
- In the text field, enter and finalise by tapping on the ‘Add Source’ option.
- Cydia will start syncing sources in the background. Try refreshing Cydia.
- Search for AppCake+ or simply AppCake in Cydia.
7.Install any of these two as per your needs. Once the app is downloaded, you can access the same by tapping onto home screen icon or from within Cydia.
How to use AppCake
The AppCake repo application is very easy to use. On the home screen of app, you will find 6 options to choose from, which are:
Check Here : Cinema Box, Movie Box and Play Box
- Home
- Popular
- Categories
- Browser
- Download
- Settings
Let us have a look at their basic functions.

Home : Home Screen just covers the apps recommended by editors and which are being downloaded the most across the world.

Popular : This section contains only the apps which are being downloaded the most from the AppCake market. It has further been divided into two categories: Weekly Top and Overall Top. All those apps which are being downloaded the most time in the current week will appear in the ‘Weekly Top’ section. ‘Overall Top’ section will cover all the apps which have been downloaded the maximum times ever since the existence of Appcake.
Categories : Categorie shows the apps according to their genre, such as Games, Tools and Utilities, Social, Media etc.
Browser : The inbuilt browser lets users surf the web and is primarily meant for downloading apps and games (including files and torrents).
Download : This section shows all the active downloads. The user can pause or resume app download by accessing this.
Settings : This contains the settings related to the Appcake app. You can change Options related to app installation, notification, bandwidth configuration, network source here.
To navigate, the person can tap on either of the sections icon and subsections. The home screen also has a search option; by tapping on it and entering in the related search query, the user can find similar apps available on the AppCake repo.
Alternatives to AppCake
AppCake is not the only free source to download paid apps on iOS. Following are some other alternatives you can check out:

Download Here : Provenance Emulator, Happy Chick Emulator
Zeusmos : Zeusmos has been there for quite a while in the Cydia market. The app possesses good support and is compatible with most of the iPhone and iPad series devices by Apple. The interface is neat and clean, however not as much as AppCake.
VShare : Also known as ‘App VV’, the app has been in buzz in recent times. It’s an overall very solid app. Little to no crashes, a good number of paid apps and the best user interface of all those in list of AppCake alternative; it can’t get any better.
OpenAppMkt IOS Cydia - Get Cydia Without Jailbreak IOS ...
Kuaiyong : Kuaiyong focuses on speeding up paid app installations process. The interface and functionality are identical to Zeusmos, the difference only lies in licensing and nothing else.
If this article meant to useful, share it on social media and help your friends to install and use AppCake. You can join us on Facebook or Twitter for keeping yourself updated with latest news and tweaks from iPhone and iPad jailbreak community.
If you would like to find out how to install ifile withoutcydia or without having to jailbreak you iDevice then there are a few very simple steps you can follow. I would suggest going with the free version to see if you like it before paying.
See Full List On
NOTE:If you are happy to install cydia i can guarantee you it will be just as easy plus you have loads more features! SEE HERE FOR DETAILS>>>
Step 1Go to your web browser on you idevice and enter the following url….
Step 2
When prompted add the openappmkt app to your iphone, ipad or ipod touch
Step 3
The oenappmkt application will appear on your home screen. Enter the application and search for ifile and you will see a number of options that you can download. Choose one that has the highest review star ratings. Once downloaded you can begin using ifile without jailbreaking your iphone or having to install cydia.
So as you can see it is just three simple steps in order to install ifile without cydia or a jailbreak. Hope this help, Enjoy!!!
iFile alternatives without jailbreaking
if the above process does not work for you there are a few alternatives on the app store that can work very similar to iFile.
Option1: Drop Copy
Option2: iFileExplorer
these are just my recommendations, im sure there are a few more out there with similar capabilities. conversely to that you can always do it the correct way and jailbreak your device and download cydia here
Here you will find 4 tutorial videos that are all different and could help you to install ifile without cydia or jailbreaking. We are not in any way affiliated with these videos but have found to be helpful